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Olga Monina
born 1989 in Kharkiv, Ukraine
Diploma Painting, Academy of Fine Arts Leipzig 2010 - 2017
Sint Lucas School of Art, Brussels 2016
23.06. - 11.09. The Stories We Inhabit - BRACHE (G), Ideal, Leipzig >>>>
In my Hands Magazin,invited by Leah Lilith Heeren >>>>
Touch my Fantasy (G), Mauer, Cologne >>>>
Glücksfütterung (S), curated by Lucia Graf, Hotel L, Leipzig >>>>
Glücksfütterung 3 (S), Rinde am Rhein, Düsseldorf >>>>
Glücksfütterung (S), Cala Space, curated by Amelie Wedel, Berlin >>>>
Artist Residency at Kunstverein Röderhof e.V., supported by Land Sachsen-Anhalt >>>> >>>>
Über Brücken - Bridging, performance and exhibitionproject in public space, curated by Elena
Malzew and Lisa Klosterkötter, Cologne >>>>
Niko Pirosmani Fan Art, DOMIAN NO.2, published by Max Kirmse and Fid.Fischer, Berlin
Horror des Alltags #71, monthly radioshow with Wilhelm Klotzek on PiRadio Berlin >>>>
Das Wetter (Magazine) #28 , with a poem by Fid.Fischer >>>>
Sammlung Simonow (G), Die Wellenmachine, Berlin >>>> >>>>
Baby Sharks (G), Outdoorshow Rügen >>>> >>>>
Tagesrandzeiten (S), Neue Barmbeker Apotheke, Hamburg >>>>
Добро обжаловать (S), Vitrine Bom Dia Elgarafi, Berlin >>>> >>>>
Случайныe люди – Zufällige Menschen (S), Vera Wessels, Zürich, CH >>>>
Casa Ouvo, (G) Sangt Hipolyt, Berlin >>>>
Hoffest Bülowstrasse by Julia Fischer, Berlin >>>>
OM. OM.2, with Ole Meergans, Marzahner Promenade, Berlin >>>> >>>>
Fundraiser Group Show im Goeben, Berlin >>>>
Kartoffelmuseum Nr.7, Stallmuseum Groß Friedenwalde >>>> >>>>
Zu Gast am seidenen Faden by Benedikt Bock, Zürich >>>>
OM. OM. with Ole Meergans, Raumvollreinigung, Berlin >>>>
Book Release "Unhemlich sicher" and Reading, Café Babette at KINDL – Zentrum für zeitgenössische Kunst, Berlin
#5 round (G), organised by edizione multicolore at RAMPE, Berlin >>>>
great meeting you (G), curated by Sarah Veight, IDEAL Kunstraum, Leipzig >>>>
Alles geben, Alles nehmen (G), curated by Tom Król, Off location, Cologne
Book Release "Die Chronik spricht mit Maximilian Kirmse" and Reading with Fid. Fischer Galerie Haverkampf, Berlin >>>>
Artwork in the Dark, Auktionsevent, Salon, Berlin >>>>
Der Wind pfeift ein Mal durchs Hemd with Wilhlem Klotzek, Nschotschi Haslinger, Jaßmin Preiß, Bededikt Bock Paul Simon Krüger, Off location, Berlin
BravoAg Bilanz (S), Diplomausstellung, SpinLab, Baumwollspinnerei, Leipzig >>>>
+ Catalogue
BravoAg Firmengründungsfeier (S), Bistro21, Leipzig >>>>
Why did the Artist cross the road? (G), Hegenbarth Collection, Berlin >>>>
THE SHOP (G), Ulična galerija, Belgrad >>>>
BANK BANK BANK (G), off location, Frankfurt am Main >>>>
I eye made this these, Graduation Show (G), Greylight Projects, Brussels >>>>
Saloon under the bridge #1 (G), realized by Peggy Pehl and Kathrin Freytag, Outside Show, Gleisdreieck, Berlin >>>>
LOL LUC LE with Felix Amerbacher, Hanna Stiegler, Paul Simon Krüger, off location, Leipzig >>>>
Neue Ratio: Smile Project (G), Fachdental: Zahntechnikmesse, Leipzig >>>>
BASICS (S), Muck, Leipzig >>>>
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